Monday, April 15, 2013

Facebook Indiscretions & Other What Were You Thinking Moments

Social media makes me nervous sometimes. It has such far-reaching powers that are equal parts amazing and terrifying. J and I took so long to get Facebook accounts because, frankly, we didn't think we needed to (I never had Friendster or My Space either).  Even now, I kind of get antsy over Privacy Settings because I'm uncomfortable with the idea of my photos being viewed by people I don't know from Adam. I do get slightly amused and very curious when other people post photos of their cleavage, backside, or any other body part that I think is not meant to be publicly displayed.  I guess if you have the body for it, why not right?  If I had the body of Miranda Kerr, I'd be walking around in a bikini.  But I also think, don't you have parents or relatives on FB? Officemates you'd like to still regard you professionally?

Was Trekkie Monster right all along??

Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., a Psych professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, points out two driving forces behind creating and maintaining FB accounts: impression management vs. a desire to keep in touch with and stay connected to family and friends.  The former, she says, is most common among young, single women, while the latter involves older users (ouch!). Impression management, she says, is where most problems occur.  Read her full article here on Facebook exhibitionism.

We've all heard of horror stories where some naive person posts incriminating pictures on FB (or Twitter or IG) and gets robbed, or posts something and gets firedOur online presence can be permanent and damaging if not tempered with common sense and a little bit of maturity.

Now excuse me while I delete all my embarrassing photos, snarky comments online.

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