Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hilarity, For Two

Two nights ago, J and I were having dinner at home, talking about how our respective days had gone. Earlier, while I was cooking rice, J had helped load the wash so we could be efficiently productive - doing laundry while eating!  Anyway, in the middle of our pleasant dinner conversation, our washing machine (which we named Splashy, for obvious reasons) played its usual tune, signaling the completion of the wash cycle.  As if it were the most natural thing in the world, we both stopped mid-conversation (and mid-eating) to do this:

Please excuse the wonky arms. I was trying for wavy.

For reference, the song that plays after a load sounds more like a kiddie ring tone than a catchy pop hit.  

I'd be lying if I said that was the first time we did our little jig.

That got me thinking about all the other little silly things we do, like have tongue twister contests that usually end up in side-splitting bouts of laughter.  Some of our more memorable materials include "one potato two potato" - a production company logo that appears after episodes of Masterchef - and our current favorite, "eat babi guling at ibu oka in ubud", which is a valid phrase with real meaning.  It's pretty challenging!

It must be from all his judo training in college, but J also has a habit of swooping in and carrying me unceremoniously, while I am in the middle of doing something (i.e. putting on moisturizer before getting ready to go to bed, texting) and then laughing at my resulting facial expression, which can only be described as my take on "bracing for impact".

Not pretty.

There was also that (thankfully) brief episode when J convinced me to put Veet (hair removal cream) on his legs, just for the heck of it.  He still tries his luck sometimes and asks me to do it again but I am putting my foot down.

There's got to be a better conversation starter.

Life can be dreary and much too serious sometimes, so I am very grateful for the fun and laughter that J injects into our life together (I'm not encouraging that carrying bit, though. Stop that).  There are great benefits to being silly sometimes, and being silly with someone you love? It's pretty awesome.

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